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NapsGear sharing my 3rd cycle napsgear results


New member
been on napsgear now for 12 weeks. Just finished my last dose today and now going to come off and do pct in about 3 weeks.
I’ve been doing Deca, equipoise, and testosterone together.
This has been a tremendous bulking stack in my appetite is crazy good I’m eating everything I can and I can’t seem to get satiated. So far was able to bulk about 12 weeks which is a pound per week that is pretty impressive.
been on napsgear now for 12 weeks. Just finished my last dose today and now going to come off and do pct in about 3 weeks.
I’ve been doing Deca, equipoise, and testosterone together.
This has been a tremendous bulking stack in my appetite is crazy good I’m eating everything I can and I can’t seem to get satiated. So far was able to bulk about 12 weeks which is a pound per week that is pretty impressive.
awesome results
napsgear delivers once more
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