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  1. V

    Steroids Anadrol oral dosage

    Looking to try anadrol this time Never used it Someone told me they are called A-bombs, any reason for that ? 50mgs a day is what my friend took I’m 6’1’’ 210 pounds and looking to bulk up
  2. E

    SARMS can I switch to sarms from steroids?

    I want to cruise on sarms after my steroid cycle I’m doing 500mgs test and 200mgs trenbolone 12 weeks then I was thinking of cruising on ostarine 2866 and gw501516 for another 12 weeks is this a good plan? I’m 28 years old and 5’5’’ 187lb
  3. R

    Steroids Steroid cycle for athlete

    I’m an overall athlete who likes to play sports. I play soccer, tennis and do a lot of bicycling which steroids would work best for me here? I’m not on TRT yet but have considered it to help with overall performance. I’m 5’11’’ 182 pounds and 44 years old
  4. V

    SARMS Using sarms for triathlon

    I'm going to be competing in a triathlon in the spring I am going to start training for it over the next few months some of the guys that I trained with take PED’s including sarms They mentioned some names but i wanted to see what you all had to say before i listened to them a triathlon involves...
  5. T

    Steroids Equipoise 700mgs a week

    my next check is going to be equipoise 700 mg is a week my last cycle I did 500 mg a week that I had good results I feel like I can add more though this time what is the best thing to start with it if you had to choose between testosterone and trenbolone? My goal is bulking I’m currently 6 ft 1...
  6. E

    Steroids Heart rate and blood pressure issues on steroids

    I'm currently doing 600 mg a week of testosterone cypionate I'm also running adex with it around 1-2mg per week I started out at 230 lb and 6 ft tall. Body fat is around 18% my blood pressure was normal in my heart rate was around 70 resting on cycle my heart rate is now about 85 in my blood...
  7. A

    Steroids 3 steroids all in 1?

    I'm looking to run a steroid cycle but I want to mix all 3 steroids in one syringe My 3 steroids are: Equipoise Testo cypionate Deca durabolin I don't see any mixes that are sold out there so I want to mix it myself. I know there is a lot of people that say mixing to steroids in the same...
  8. R

    Steroids First steroids at 45.

    6’ tall and 76kg never even thought about using steroids before. But a couple of my friends are using them so thought I would give them a shot My plan is simple: 250mgs testosterone per week Should i use enanthate or cypionate? And how long should i run them?
  9. B

    Steroids How to use steroids in my situation

    So this is my first time using steroids but i have been on trt for 2 years I’m currently 44 years old I'm 5 ft 8 in in 206 lb my body fat is probably 20% How do i use steroids in this situation without my doctor finding out and kicking me off trt?
  10. V

    Steroids Last cycle before quitting

    I am quitting steroids, long story but this will be my last but wife doesn’t want me using anymore cause we want a kid I’m 38 years old and my wife is 22 so she wants a baby My full stats are 15% body fat and 214 pounds 6’3’’ I want to run a cycle that is smart and won’t screw up my fertility...
  11. V

    SARMS Sarms at 40 vs. at 25?

    I know it's there was you should change up what you use as you get older but has the same thing apply to sarms? I’m now 40 but have been training for the past 15 years When i was 25 i used steroids and did them for like 10 years I’m up to 188 pounds and 5’6’’. 13% body fat Looking to get more size
  12. Gerald

    Steroids TRT looking to add compound

    Hey guys wanted some advice on first cycle I’m on 100mgs twice a week for my TRT protocol hcg plus estrogen support via my clinic Wanted to add a compound Nutrition and work out routine are in check What are your thoughts on first cycle to really shred and grow some muscle
  13. L

    Steroids Looking for lean gains

    1000mgs of gear total How would you best structure a cycle if you were to run actual gear and get to around that #? I’m 5’6’’ 172 pounds and 27 years old My goal here is to clean bulk and get stronger I’ve ran pro hormones and sarms only, never steroids that were real
  14. B

    Steroids 2 orals and 1 injectable?

    I’m a big fan of this forum Asking for help 33 yrs old and 6’1’’ 180 pounds about Body fat is low teens I want to try 2 oral steroids and 1 injectable First time using injectables Can you give me a good layout for something that includes testosterone and maybe a mild oral.
  15. G

    Sources reddit honest review

    I've been using steroids from noexcuses Went to the doctor 4 weeks into them he gave me a clean bill of health and send my blood work came in just fine. So i can say that their gear is clean.
  16. S

    Steroids How much liver and kidney damage?

    when I was in my twenties I ran a bunch of steroids. Probably was averaging two or three Cycles a year for the greater part of 8 years. Now in my 30’s and worried about liver and kidney damage I got blood work done and both numbers were top of range. Barely under the max do you think it would be...
  17. N

    Steroids 3 stack steroids for holiday

    time for a holiday, I’m taking 4 days and going to Jamaica gonna be spending most of the time soaking up sun and enjoying the hot women in bikini’s I want to look and feel good I’m 30 years old 5’10’’ and 73kg what do you think about these 3 steroids? Trenbolone enanthate masteron enanthate...
  18. P

    Steroids you think bostin loyd and rich piana are together now?

    I’m not sure if anyone has ever thought of this or not or what kind of belief you have of the afterlife but it came to me while I was in the shower earlier today do you think that Rich and Bostin are in heaven together right now and pinning each others asses and working out together and laughing...
  19. O

    SARMS Gaining size on sarms?

    I'm 6 ft 2 in in only 160 lb I want on put on some size and a friend suggested not to use steroids but stick to sarms what sarms would you recommend for me? I'm currently doing workouts 3 to 5 days a week My friend said the best sarm is yk11, he said he gained 20 pounds on it. Agree or not?
  20. M

    Steroids Testosterone cyp or E?

    This is the first time I'm going to start a steroid cycle that it is an injectable I have used pro hormones and oral steroids my plan is 500 mg a week of testosterone. The only thing i need to decide is if i should enanthate or cypionate Please help My goal is more strength and muscle I’m 5’6’’...
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